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AccelByte Cloud's Matchmaking service allows parties to be paired to compete against each other in your game. With AccelByte Cloud's Matchmaking services, you can create your own matchmaking rules (MMR) for how parties are matched. MMR is used to determine how parties are matched up under ideal conditions. You can also create flex rules, which dictate how to match parties when ideal matches aren't possible. These flex rules usually include time limits for the matchmaking process, to ensure that players don't have to wait too long to play your game.

Like our Cloud Party services, Cloud Matchmaking uses WebSocket to ensure real-time updates for players. Here's the basic flow of our matchmaking service:

  1. Start Matchmaking A party leader can make a request to initiate the matchmaking process.
  2. Confirm Players are Ready During the matchmaking process, each player needs to confirm they are ready to play. When all of the players are ready to start, the game will begin.
    a. Re-matchmaking Matchmaking will restart if any players in the matchup aren't ready to play.
    b. Cancel Matchmaking Party leaders can cancel the matchmaking process before it's completed.

Players need to be in a party to use matchmaking. The Cloud Matchmaking service supports parties with single users or multiple users, and also supports matching parties with an asymmetrical number of users, e.g. a party with 1 user vs. a party with 3 users. You can configure all of the matchmaking rules in our Admin Portal.


Before implementing the Matchmaking service, you need to define the Statistics that will be used by the Matchmaking service to match players together.