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Party Codes

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Party leaders can send party codes to players so that those players can join their party. Only party leaders can use party codes. They can also refresh or revoke a party code.

Create Party and Party Code

When players create a party, partyCode is returned as a response (either as FAccelByteModelsCreatePartyResponse in Unreal Engine, or PartyCreateResponse in Unity.

Generate or Refresh a Party Code

Use the following function to generate or refresh a party code.

Api::Lobby::FPartyGenerateCodeResponse::CreateLambda([](FAccelByteModelsPartyGenerateCodeResponse Response)
// Handle result.PartyCode here


Get a Party Code

Once a code is generated, party leaders can get the code and share it from other players. This function allows party leaders to get the party code.

Api::Lobby::FAccelByteModelsPartyGetCodeResponse ::CreateLambda([](FAccelByteModelsPartyGetCodeResponse Response)
// Handle result.PartyCode here

TIP If the success response returns an empty party code, you need to call the GeneratePartyCode function to generate a new party code.

Revoke a Party Code

Party leaders can revoke a party code. If a party code is revoked, players will no longer be able to use it to join the party. This function allows party leaders to revoke the party code.

Api::Lobby::FAccelByteModelsPartyDeleteCodeResponse ::CreateLambda([](FAccelByteModelsPartyDeleteCodeResponse Response)
// Handle result here

Join a Party with a Party Code

Players that have been sent a party code can use it to join a party. This function allows players to join a party using a party code.

Api::Lobby::FPartyJoinViaCodeResponse ::CreateLambda([](FPartyJoinViaCodeResponse Response)
// Handle result here
FRegistry::Lobby. SendPartyJoinViaCodeRequest(partyCode);