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Group Notifications

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Some group activity will trigger notifications that will be sent to individual players, to group admins, or to all group members. The notification payload will be a JSON formatted string that contains data related to the triggered activity. To retrieve these notifications, you need to add a callback to the OnNotification function.

AccelBytePlugin.GetLobby().OnNotification += result =>
if (result.IsError)
// Do something if OnNotification has an error
Debug.Log($"Error OnNotification, Error Code: {result.Error.Code} Error Message: {result.Error.Message}");
// Do something if OnNotification has been successful

Group Invitation Notifications

Here's an example of the payload for a notification sent to a player when they've been invited to join a group:

"groupName": "nameOfGroup",
"groupId": "groupId",
"kind": "invitation"

Group Acceptance Notifications

Here's an example of the payload for a notification sent to a player when their request to join a group has been accepted:

"groupName": "nameOfGroup",
"groupId": "groupId",
"kind": "accepted-request"

Group Rejection Notifications

Here's an example of the payload for a notification sent to a player when their request to join a group has been rejected:

"groupName": "nameOfGroup",
"groupId": "groupId",
"kind": "rejected-request"

New Group Member Notifications

Here's an example of the payload for a notification sent to all group members when a new member has joined their group:

"groupName": "nameOfGroup",
"groupId": "groupId",
"newGroupMember": "newGroupMemberId",
"kind": "new-member"

Member Request Notifications

Here's an example of the payload for a notification sent to group admins when a player has requested to join their group:

"groupName": "nameOfGroup",
"groupId": "groupId",
"newGroupMember": "newGroupMemberId",
"kind": "join-request"

Member Role Assignment Notifications

Here's an example of the payload for a notification sent to a player when a group admin has assigned a role to them:

"groupName": "nameOfGroup",
"groupId": "groupId",
"newGroupMember": "newGroupMemberId",
"roleId": "roelId",
"kind": "assigned-role"

And here's the payload if a group admin removes a role from a player:

"groupName": "nameOfGroup",
"groupId": "groupId",
"newGroupMember": "newGroupMemberId",
"roleId": "roelId",
"kind": "removed-role"