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Local Dedicated Servers

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A Local Dedicated Server is a type of dedicated server that runs on your local computer. This type of dedicated server is used to perform testing before a game is published.

Matchmaking Flow

  1. Once launched, local DS registers to the DSMC.
  2. The player launches the game and logs in to AccelByte.
  3. The player connects to the Lobby service through a WebSocket connection.
  4. The player sends a matchmaking to localDS request to the Lobby service.
  5. The Lobby service sends a request to the DSM to create a new game session with the match details.
  6. The DSM checks whether the specified local DS exists.
  7. If the local DS exists, the DSM sends back the DS details. If the local DS does not exist, the request fails.
  8. The game client connects to the server using the provided DS details.


Here are the requirements to be able to use a Local Dedicated Server:

  1. Dedicated Server Build
    • The Dedicated Server must be capable of making HTTP requests to our backend.
    • The Dedicated Server must have an accessible IP Address and Port from the game client.
    • The Dedicated Server's IP Address and Port should be saved somewhere, since you'll need them when configuring the DS.
    • The Dedicated Server must have IAM Client Credentials, including permission to call the DSM.
    • The Dedicated Server must perform a client token grant upon startup.
    • The Dedicated Server must call the following DSM endpoints:
      • The Register endpoint to tell the DSM that the DS is ready to accept players.
      • The Deregister endpoint, to tell the DSM that the match session is over.
  2. Game Client Build
    • A game client must be capable of making HTTP requests to our backend.
    • A game client must be able to connect to Dedicated Server's IP and port.
  3. Access to our Admin Portal
    • You must have permission to manage the Statistics config.
    • You must have permission to manage the Matchmaking config.You must have permission to manage the Dedicated Server Manager.