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AccelByte Cloud's Lobby service provides continuous connection between your game and players by using WebSocket. WebSocket ensures reliable, real-time data transfer by allowing two-way communication between the server and clients. Since the Lobby serves as the main hub of your game, it is related to many of our other services, including:

  • Presence enables players to see what other players are doing in real-time. This feature is critical in online multiplayer games, because player interactions rely on knowing which players are available.
  • Party is used as the basis for multiplayer matchmaking. Parties can be integrated with other services such as Presence, Friends, and Chat, for a more engaging and fun multiplayer experience.
  • Friends lets players connect and interact with each other. AccelByte supports both in-game friends and platform level friends. In-game friends can chat and play together within a game, whereas platform level friends allow players of different games to interact with each other on your web platform.
  • Chat enables real-time text based communication in-game. We support global, party, and individual chat.