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Testing the Matchmaking

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In this section, you will learn how to run and test your Matchmaking service locally.

  1. Inside the AccelByte Cloud Golang SDK repository, open the samples/title-matchmaking/Client folder.

  2. To test the Matchmaking service, prepare two test player emails and passwords.

  3. Open the terminal and go to the title-matchmaking repo directory.

  4. In your terminal, run the following command and fill in the following environment variables:

    • Input the Client ID, Client Secret, and BaseUrl with the value set in your OAuth Client in the Admin Portal.

    • Define the Create Matchmaking API URL with the AWS Lambda API Gateway. For testing purposes, you can use API Gateway's TestInvoke feature.

      $ export APP_CLIENT_ID=<user_secret_id>
      $ export APP_CLIENT_SECRET=""
      $ export JUSTICE_BASE_URL="<iam_url>"
      $ export CREATE_MATCHMAKING_ENDPOINT="<endpoint>"

    Once completed, press Enter.


    If you need to check the environment value at a later stage, use the following command: $ echo $APP_CLIENT_ID $ echo $APP_CLIENT_SECRET $ echo $JUSTICE_BASE_URL

  5. To run the matchmaking, use the command go run main.go to bring up the matchmaking command.

    Commands :
    # PoC Matchmaking
    1: Login
    2: Create Matchmaking
    3: User info
    4: Logout
  1. Enter command 1 to log the player into the matchmaking. Enter the player's email and password.

  2. Enter command 2 to bring players online for the matchmaking. In order to make a successful match, both players must be online. This command will call the Lambda function and listen to the notification service to search for a match. A notification will be sent when a match is found.

  3. The returned response contains the IP and port:

Below is an example of what your screen will look like from the allies' side once a match has been found. Both players must be online for the match to succeed; otherwise, an error notification will be sent.